Meng world war toons paint color
Meng world war toons paint color

meng world war toons paint color

Our next club is quite a large under taking, and we have spent months on this project.

meng world war toons paint color

While some tanks ended up being fairly standard in terms of normal tank colours, some were very imaginative indeed! We then also asked them if they had any names they wanted to add to their tank to make it even more unique. The important factor here is we wanted them to have free range to choose any colours not just use the recommend Olive drab on the box art. We were then able to bring in all the paint that was needed from home! Once painting began some of the schemes evolved into something other than the planned scheme, which can sometimes present problems with the colours available. The first couple of sessions were spent assembling the kits, once everyone had managed this, we looked at some images of actual camouflage schemes to get the general idea, They then went away to design their camo scheme on a print out of a Sherman tank, coloured it in with felt tips, choosing the colours they wanted to use once the painting began. We split the group into two managable chunks, Jeremy the headmaster, took the gaming group, and I sorted out the kit construction, and painting side.

meng world war toons paint color

Our first Club of the new term was way back in September.

Meng world war toons paint color